We are a Bible-teaching, all-age friendly church in Cuckfield,
seeking to know Jesus and to make him known in Mid-Sussex.
Whether you've been a Christian for many years, or you're just starting to think about Jesus, we'd love to serve you. We hope this website is a good introduction to who we are and what we do.
Get in touch with us if we can help, and feel free to just come along one Sunday morning. All are welcome!

We believe what Christians have believed for 2000 years: that Jesus of Nazareth lived, died, rose again, and rules and reigns over this world - all with the purpose of saving rebellious people like us.
The scandalous news is that salvation is open to all who follow Jesus. We exist to love him, live for him, and to make him known.

The Bible
We believe that God speaks to us and changes us today as we read, understand and apply His word. That's why the Bible is at the centre of our life together, particularly our weekly meetings.
We typically work through books of the Bible on Sundays, and see how it applies to everyday life.

The Church
We believe that the gospel of Jesus creates communities, and so we seek to love, care, and serve one another as God's people. We are an ordinary group of people from all walks of life who have been brought together by the gospel of Jesus.
Whilst everyone is welcome to our meetings (Christian or not), formal members of the church are those who are following Jesus, have been baptised, and have identified themselves with the church. If you would like to find out more about formally joining our church, then get in touch, or come along to one of our Sunday services.
We'd love to meet you.