Our People
One of the pictures God uses to describe the church is that of a body - it's made up of lots of different parts which work together for the good of the whole.
With the Lord Jesus as the 'head' of our church, these are some of the people that make up the rest of 'the body' here at CBC. Click on the pictures below to find out more.

Will works full-time for the church as a minister. Will is married to Vicky, and they have two primary-age children. Before moving to Cuckfield in 2016, they lived in St Albans, where Will used to work as a secondary school music teacher. Will trained for ministry at the Cornhill Training Course and then at Oak Hill Theological College whilst serving at Spicer Street Church. Will was born and raised in West Sussex, and is a keen musician and sportsman. He is also one of the trustees.

Jon is married to Rachel and they have two grown-up children. Jon spends half his week as the staff elder responsible for the operations of the church, as well as doing other pastoral ministry. He is also involved in helping churches and Christian charities across the UK with his property consultancy, 'Mustard Seed Hub'. He enjoys watching live sport and skiing with his family. He is also one of the trustees.

Jen works as our part-time administrator. She is married to Mike, and they have two children.

Rachel works part-time (3 days a week) as our the Women & Families worker. As part of this, she runs ladies Bible studies, teaches the children on Sundays, and heads up our midweek Toddler Group. She is married to Jon, and they have two grown-up children.

Wendy is our safeguarding officer.

Vicky is married to Will, and she heads up the Sunday School (Explorers and Diggers), as well as helping to facilitate the Creche.

Evan is one of our deacons, and heads up the practical upkeep of the outside parts of our premises. He is married to Janet, and they have 3 grown up children. He is also one of the trustees.

Andrew is one of our deacons, and heads up the practical upkeep of our premises. He has lived in the village for decades, and serves as a local parish councillor. He is also one of the church's trustees.

Charles serves as one of our deacons, and serves on our finance team. He is married to Sheila, and is one of the trustees.

Hedley serves as one of our deacons, and helps to lead the welcome team. He also serves on the finance team. He is married to Anne, and they have 3 grown up children. He is also one of the trustees.

Anne helps to lead the welcome team. She is married to Hedley, and they have 3 grown up children.

Sue helps to lead the Creche on Sundays.

Keith helps to lead the care team. He is married to Jill.

Ray leads the AV team. He is married to Mim.

Mim heads up the refreshments team. She is married to Ray.

Euan helps to lead the finance team.